Big data-driven AI in financial services is a technology that augments human capabilities. We are living in countries governed by the rule of law, and only humans can adopt safeguards, make decisions, and take responsibility for the results.
Banks and other traditional capital providers are no longer the primary source of capital for the economy. This shift has increased the diversity of capital providers but also has fragmented the capital markets.
The Fed and other leading central banks are progressively aligning with climate change policies. This marks an evolution toward a greener form of capitalism in the global capital markets.
The cost of institutional investing has become an impossible burden. Reduce costs. Give alpha a chance.
We are three months away from the longest yield curve inversion-to-recession period. Will Cam Harvey's famous recession indicator hold? Highlights from EI podcast.
Has the science of economics gone astray by borrowing ideas from physics?
To understand what private equity is at its worst is a call to action, personally and professionally.
The relationship between stocks and interest rates is not reliably stable. There are periods when equities are highly rate sensitive, and periods when they aren't.
Carlsson-Szlezak and Swartz attempt to add fresh thinking on framing macro shocks that may often prove to be false alarms. Any general reader will obtain some key fresh insights with this work, and CFA charterholders will be offered an alternative to the conventional Wall Street approach to macro discussions.
As financial systems evolve, preserving the US dollar's dominance will require skillful policy management and the integration of cutting-edge technologies.